Friday, March 4, 2011

Running isn't easy

Actually, running can be fairly easy if you just slow your pace, shorten your distance, or run downhill.  What I should say is that sprinting is hard.  There is never a moment when sprinting doesn’t suck.  Even when you start to be able to maintain a pace with less effort or for longer distances, you need to kick it up a notch past that to really sprint.  It always stays hard.  The only good thing about sprints is how glorious it makes the most pedestrian of acts -- breathing.  I love sprints because of how hard they are.  Not only am I getting in better shape physically but I need to push myself mentally.  It’s not easy because who really enjoys being out of breath to the point that your lungs are burning and your legs are on fire?  The gains though are worth it and you see them fairly quickly.  
3x5 Back Squat
185, 205, 215
95# Sumo Dead lift high-pulls
95# Overhead squats
.13 miles, .26 miles, .39 miles 
Rest exactly how long it takes you to do the previous sprint
This one sucked a lot.  I haven’t ran in a couple of months and I had to use a treadmill.  I thought my five-fingers were cutting into my feet but it was actually a developing blister.  So, I ended up forgoing the last iteration of the second round and did it on the rower instead.  I also knocked out round three on the rower.  
I love seeing results.  It makes the working out worthwhile.  Not only in how you feel but performance is a big push for me too.  I’m at around 5,000ft of elevation so when I first got here my cardio sucked.  I’ve pushed through for about three months now and it paid off today when I got on the treadmill.  No stellar performances but when I first got here a ten minute mile was no fun.  Today when I hopped on there it felt too slow.  An 830 pace was feeling pretty good.  

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant Blog! Love it! finally a way for the beer vs. belly battle to end! :) you da man Mikey!
